• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 22, 2014

    Climate change is not just about science – it’s about the future we want to create

    Climate scientist Chris Rapley and his co-author of the acclaimed play 2071 explain why the 2015 Paris climate summit cannot be allowed to fail – for all our sakes

    • Graphic: consequences of climate change

    • Six steps world leaders must agree to take to protect Earth

    Next December, 196 nations will meet in Paris to agree a course of action to respond to climate change. They will do so under the auspices of the UN framework convention on climate change. This is an international treaty negotiated at the Earth summit in Rio in 1992 with the objective to “stabilise greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system”.

    The discussions in Paris in 2015 will be informed by the latest climate science. In our play 2071 , which recently completed its inaugural run at the Royal Court theatre in London, directed by Katie Mitchell, we explore the science, its implications and the options before us. A key aim is to leave the audience better placed to participate in the public discourse, in which we all need to play a part.

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    Source Network Front | The Guardian http://ift.tt/1xOmuqx


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